“Animals are like little angels sent to earth to teach us how to love. They don’t get angry or play silly games. They are always there for us.”
Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. Our students of Grade 2C presented their Virtual Assembly on 22/ November/ 2021. Students showcased their talent and exhibited their love for animals. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans would come to understand each other. We started our assembly with a prayer by Smrithi Guruprasad, and it was followed by a beautiful thought for the day by Navika Reddy. Aditya Tippareddy shared the News for the Day and Pratyush S.Y and Shrudhi Reddy gave their message about the need and importance of caring for wild animals.
Several animal species are on the verge of extinction as their primary natural habits are getting rapidly decimated. Man who prides himself on being a rational being is the only species that ruthlessly kills animals around him. So they are on the verge of extinction. The children shared the facts about some of the endangered animals and the importance of protecting species. They talked about endangered animals like the Royal Bengal tiger, black rhinoceros, Asiatic cheetah, Nilgiri tahr, fin whale, and West African giraffe. There was a puppet show conducted by Atharva Neergund and he presented a beautiful message about “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened”. Then Aaron Franklin presented a melodious song and he reinforced the importance of wildlife conservation and it was an eye-opener to all the children. Only animals can ‘manage’ ecosystems and it is very important to conserve the wildlife.
A Pledge is a promise to be kept which wouldn’t be broken. Therefore our students had taken a pledge in order to protect animals. The event helped the children to create awareness about existing animals and the importance of wildlife conservation.